Inclusive Assessment


I have been a teacher trainer for 30 years. I have worked at all levels of teacher education, but for a long time I have been worked only in secondary teacher education.


In one of my online courses, the assessment was four online tests. One of my students is severely mobility impaired and has difficulty moving his hands. During the online consultation, he asked me to give him the opportunity to take the oral tests, which he is entitled to do according to the Study Regulations. But I thought it would be a great opportunity for her to engage in a learning process very similar to other students, which would boost her confidence and have a positive educational impact. However, the student insisted on the oral exams.

In what ways did you respond to this dilemma/difficulty?

I asked in the consultation to let me think about this again and let's talk about it the next day. I then asked him to give the first test a try, the result of which he did not have to accept. If he failed, he could take an oral test. He finally agreed to this. I extended the time limit of the test for him and he was allowed to try several times. This solution worked: he passed the first test and did not ask for a repair in the following tests.

What are the implications for teaching, learning and my understanding of the role of a teacher?

I think it is important to develop the attitude of teacher candidates towards inclusion. I experienced this situation as a particular success and I think it was an important example for other teacher candidates. I felt (although it is difficult to say in an online situation) that the student with physical disability was able to integrate well into the group and I think the common 'challenge' of the test contributed to this.

For me, this situation is also about teacher autonomy: autonomy is needed to make thoughtful decisions in complex situations.

Keywords: facilitating learning, participant autonomy, assessment, inclusion

Erasmus+ Eotvos Lorand University Fontys University of Applied Sciences Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen Leeds Becket University Plato Seminar Tubingen Zavod Republike Slovenije za solstvo University of Aberdeen Universidade Aberta