About the project
In remembrance of Dr Susanne Huber

One of us is missing
How many hours, or days per year
Do we meet relatives, or friends
A few times I think, it all depends
On too tight schedules, so I fear
But in projects we more often meet
We work, have breaks, and coffee talks
We share ideas, and make long walks
To find a place for us to eat
Thus, we create a common bond
Not even intentionally so
But we do, and we do make it grow
We are gradually growing fond
And of that we come the more aware
Now that you no longer will be there.
- Jaap van Lakerveld.
Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University
Leeds, United Kingdom
The Carnegie School of Education is the lead organisation for the RAPIDE project. The RAPIDE project team are Professor Mhairi C Beaton, Professor Rachel Lofthouse, Ms Meri Nasilyan and Dr Diana Tremayne. The project in Carnegie School of Education is located within the CollectivED Centre for Coaching, Mentoring and Professional Learning led by Professor Rachel Lofthouse.
CollectivED Research and Development Centre
Contact: M.C.Beaton@leedsbeckett.ac.uk
Leeds Beckett: https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk