

secondary education, the Netherlands (students age 12-18)


During the pandemic and the lockdown of schools, teachers needed to respond very quickly and find ways to teach their students in a digital setting.

In what ways did you respond to this dilemma?

What was needed in this situation was a very flexible attitude and an ability to see possibilities to change the entire teaching environment into a digital version. I discovered that I myself and my colleagues were able to adjust their way of teaching and their teaching materials to their students’ needs.

What are the implications for teaching and learning now that the pandemic is not closing schools?

I my opinion this flexible attitude belongs to the skills of a good teacher. I became aware that an openness to change and the willingness to change, is important. As a teacher you need to be able to react to change, to adjust to change.

Erasmus+ Eotvos Lorand University Fontys University of Applied Sciences Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen Leeds Becket University Plato Seminar Tubingen Zavod Republike Slovenije za solstvo University of Aberdeen Universidade Aberta