Creating new learning contexts

  • Experience: 24 years - Teacher Librarian (28 years teaching experience, in total)
  • Education: 3rd cycle education
  • Subject: Portuguese


At first, I thought about what I had to do in the reading programme called “Poemarte”, which always starts with a session to unlock what is normally understood as the most difficult content to approach in the mother tongue and, therefore, the first session is always intended to be an approach to reading poetry through enjoyment, just reading poetry for pleasure, through sound, through the set of images it can evoke. And now in digital contexts, how will the school library create that first more playful and fruitful moment of poetry?

In what ways did you respond to this dilemma/difficulty?

The easiest and simplest would be effectively through a synchronous class, to do a reading session and wait for the students' feedback on that reading. Or try to have them read at the same time, but it would certainly not be the same as what could happen in face-to-face teaching, nor the results would be the same as we've had.

So, the first challenge was actually creating alternatives, and, in this case, I used Padlet because it was a more intuitive and easier tool, because we were working with the 3rd cycle. So, it would have to be an intuitive tool, which I could explain how it worked. And, therefore, on this platform, to build activities that would respond to our goals. Afterwards, I added the work on the Teams platform.

For this first moment, a set of activities and publications was created that would lead the student to relate the poetic text with a song, therefore a poetic text set to music.

What are the implications for teaching, learning and my understanding of the role of a teacher?

This was a good practice acquired with remote work. First, students developed an autonomous work of contact with the text. Then they received the reading guide digitally, solved the reading guide, then sent it through the platform to me as a librarian who made the correction and adjustments with the Teams tools, with some comments.. Therefore, this feedback throughout the process is an ongoing thing that I consider to be an added value of digital contexts, this digital monitoring.

It's a tool, a process that I've been requesting more and more and trying to get my colleagues to use more and more, I haven't stopped doing it until now, I continue to use this tool (teams) at the project level.

Erasmus+ Eotvos Lorand University Fontys University of Applied Sciences Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen Leeds Becket University Plato Seminar Tubingen Zavod Republike Slovenije za solstvo University of Aberdeen Universidade Aberta